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Apr 2016

Gamejam : Adressaparken

The new outdoor space in the technology capital of Trondheim will be a vibrant laboratory for research and innovation, testing of new solutions, social debate and communication of knowledge related to art and technology. has recently moved into new facilities at Verftstomta and is responsible for the park’s stage. Trondheim kommune will be responsible for administration of the park. NTNU will use the park as a laboratory for researchers, students and others.

The park should be an open arena for trying new expressions and new, digital forms of narrative. It should be a place to play, explore and learn – and to wonder, experience and relax.

All visitors should be surprised and excited, through both experiences and participation. The contents and activities will be based on technology, media and art.

This afternoon we want to invite game-makers to share ideas anc concepts. What kind of games can we make that can use Adressaparken as a playfield!? Let’s gamify Trondheim and make it the GAME CAPITAL of Norway!

The event is hosted by Spillmakerlauget Midt.